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COGMED Brain Training

Dr. Heafey and his team offer integrated concierge psychology services to provide personalized and specialized care. ​Cogmed is a software program which is designed to improve an individual’s working memory. Working memory is what allows an individual to sustain focused attention, recall directions, manage impulses and solve problems. Cogmed strengthens working memory in anyone who has difficulty recalling information and keeping important details in the forefront of their mind.

Children with ADHD often lack the necessary concentration to make a connection between future happiness and present contentment. More often than not they tend to seek out instant gratification (e.g. vaping, pot, instagram, facebook), whatever gives them an immediate sense of purpose and meaning.

We believe Cogmed is the best non-pharmacological option to treat the underlying challenges ADHD invokes: attention. Attention, concentration, is what gives us the power to make the best choices. Whenever you hear people say, “there are not enough hours in the day,” what they are really saying is I wish I could concentrate enough to take ADVANTAGE of the hours I have. ADHD affects one’s ability to concentrate – people with ADHD tend to think the only ‘things’ worth paying attention to are the ones that spark their inherent interests.

When you have the tools to concentrate, truly concentrate, on the tasks at hand, you have the ability to find meaning in the mundane tasks of life. Children and adolescents feel like their lives have no meaning. Rather than debate this, at Unfold Psychology, we accept it and challenge their skepticism by having them consider if they believe they can create their own meaning… Inevitably, they always answer no; today’s generation seems to believe if it is not ‘there’ it does not exist – put another way, if they do not already feel it, it will never be present.

Call us at (650) 993-9321 to get started on your Cogmed journey to increased cognitive function.

Learn more about Cogmed Brain Training at: and Cogmed White Paper


Cogmed Brain Training helps improve cognitive function and attention

Calm Sea

Personalized Program

Professional support provided by our Cogmed trained coaches


Programs tailored to your address your unique needs


1:1 support and encouragement throughout the program 

Image by Jonathan Borba

Designed for Children & Adults

Cogmed provides five weeks of cognitive exercises, accessed on a computer, tablet or phone


No pharmaceuticals are used

Weekly growth reports are provided to clients and families

Image by Benjamin Davies

Scientifically Based

Designed by neuroscientists, with proven effect on attention and working memory


Validated in several large scale clinical trials and experiments, with findings published in more than 120 scientific articles



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